Are Dental Implants Right For You?

dental implants | Arlington txHaving a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth can make it much harder to eat, and talk. It can also detract from your appearance, damage your self-confidence, and lead to dental problems in the future. Dental implants are a solution for missing teeth. Keep reading to learn more.

What are dental implants?

Your teeth are made up of multiple parts including the root and the crown. The root is in the gums and although it isn’t seen, it is essential to the health of your tooth. When a tooth is missing, an implant can be used to replace the root. The implant is usually made of metal like titanium. After the implant has been placed, a dental crown or bridge can be attached to the implant that has taken the place of the root.

Usually dental implants are placed in two phases, first the implant itself is placed in the jawbone and given time to fuse to the bone and become a strong foundation for the rest of the tooth. It usually takes about 3-6 months for the implant to fuse and for the jawbone to heal. Once it has healed, an abutment and crown will be attached to the implant to restore the function and appearance of a normal tooth.

Why are dental implants beneficial?

Dental implants are one of the best options for replacing missing teeth. They are permanent, strong, and provide functional and natural looking teeth. The crowns can be custom created to match the rest of your teeth and look natural.

Dental implants can restore function to your teeth, improve your appearance, make it easier to talk, and make it easier to eat healthy foods.

Unlike some other tooth restorations, dental implants are permanent and they won’t slide around ore become dislodged they can last for a very long time if you keep up a healthy oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist regularly. Dental implants can also improve your oral health—without something to support, your jawbone could become weaker and disintegrate over time. Implants give your jawbone something to support so that it can remain healthy. This is why dental implants are a better solution than dentures if dental implants are an option for you.

If you’d like to learn more about dental implants, contact Galleria Dental Aesthetics.

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