What is the Dental Crown Process?

Dr. Lee, Dr. Oh, Dr. Dillon and Dr. Mortazie want to make sure that your new all-porcelain tooth crown matches your natural teeth, both in color and shape. Since dental crowns take exacting preparation, you can be certain that our northern Virginia top-rated cosmetic dentists adhere to the dental industry’s highest standards of practice in the dental crowns process. For that reason, they may also evaluate other options such as dental inlays or onlays before recommending a dental crown.

Dental Crowns–A Two-Step Process

Dental crowns generally require two visits:

•     First Visit: Preparation of your tooth and preparing a mold that the lab uses to manufacture your crown.

To begin, your tooth is treated to bring it to its healthiest state. Next, your tooth will be reduced to allow the dental crown to fit comfortably, as it will replace the portion that is being removed during this shaping step. If your tooth is damaged, too small or weak, it may need to be built up to give sufficient support for the crown. A mold is then made for the lab to use in manufacturing your custom porcelain dental crown. For the last step, your dentist will place a temporary crown to provide protection until your next visit.

•     Second Visit: Fitting and cementing your tooth.

During your second visit, your Galleria Dental Aesthetics cosmetic dentist will fit your dental crown by placing it over the prepared tooth. He carefully checks your bite to see that all surfaces fit as they should and that it feels comfortable and natural to you. When this has been determined he cements the dental crown in place.

With proper dental hygiene, your custom dental crown should last you a very long time.

Schedule a consultation

For more information about dental crowns in Northern Virginia, Alexandria and Tysons Corner, please contact Galleria Dental Aesthetics for an evaluation by one of the area’s best cosmetic dentists.

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the team at Galleria Dental Aesthetics.
02. Help us understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Dr Chong Lee is extremely patient and spends so much time with us during my son’s appointment. He showed us many options to help rebuild my son’s smile and give him confidence in his smile! Highly recommend Dr Lee!”

- H.C.

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