How Often Do Dental Bridges Need to be Replaced?

Knowing when to replace a dental bridge depends on when the dental bridge becomes weakened or damaged from wear, or if an infection or decay develops around the dental bridge. There is no certain amount of time in which a dental bridge should be replaced. If a dental bridge is properly cared for, including good oral hygiene and dental visits twice yearly, dental bridges can last many years. The lifespan of dental bridges tends to be from 7 to 15 years, but can also be 30 or more years.

It is important to treat your dental bridge just as you would natural teeth, visiting the dentist for regular cleanings and practicing good oral hygiene. These habits can greatly extend the lifespan of your dental bridge. Although, even with good oral hygiene, dental bridges can still become cracked or chipped, which would require replacement of the dental bridge. Another reason that dental bridges are replaced is due to cementation issues, when the material used to adhere the bridge to your teeth fails.

If you have a dental bridge that may need to be replaced, or to learn more about dental bridges, please contact the experienced McLean dentists at Galleria Dental Aesthetics to schedule a consultation.

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