Will My TMJ Treatment Take a Long time?

TMJWhen you are addressing any temporomandibular disorders (tmd) or temporomandibular joint (tmj) disorders, you definitely want to get relief as rapidly as possible. TMJ issues can cause pain and negatively affect your jaw joint and the muscles responsible for your jaw movements.

Severity of TMJ Symptoms

The length of time your TMJ treatment takes will depend on the severity of your symptoms. Everyone is individual and your treatment time will depend on how difficult your symptoms have been and any underlying issues it may have caused.

There are a number of treatment options available from our Northern Virginia TMJ specialists. They include:

  • Dental restorations
  • Oral mouth guards
  • Orthodontics
  • Medication
  • Jaw muscle exercises

Whether your TMD is a simple nuisance or a life-altering ailment, the first step in alleviating the pain is to consult with our Northern Virginia TMJ specialists and get treatment. Once you’ve started a treatment plan, it is crucial to see your cosmetic dentist regularly and practice good oral hygiene.

To learn how TMJ treatment in Northern Virginia can benefit you, please contact Galleria Dental Aesthetics. Call our experienced neuromuscular dentists at 703-448-1020 for your preliminary consultation.

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the team at Galleria Dental Aesthetics.
02. Help us understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Dr Chong Lee is extremely patient and spends so much time with us during my son’s appointment. He showed us many options to help rebuild my son’s smile and give him confidence in his smile! Highly recommend Dr Lee!”

- H.C.

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