Flawless Fillings: Why Tooth-Colored Fillings Are a Top Choice

Tooth-colored filling illustration in McLean, VA There are a few popular choices for dental fillings today, including amalgam(silver) and tooth-colored options. Here at Galleria Dental Aesthetics, we’re known for exceptional results that emphasize beautiful smiles — and choosing the right fillings can be a key aspect of making your smile look its best. Our team recommends tooth-colored fillings because they combine the best of therapeutic and aesthetic approaches. The fillings effectively treat cavities, but they’re also a cosmetic treatment because they match your teeth versus marring your smile with silver.

Read on to learn how these fillings can help give you a flawless smile.

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings, or composite resin fillings, are made of safe materials including a resin-based matrix and silica. This unique combination creates a highly durable material that looks and feels very much like natural teeth. It’s the same material in tooth bonding.

The process starts with removal of the decayed portion of your tooth. We apply a powerful bonding agent to your tooth and then paint the composite resin in layers, building it up and shaping it to completely fill in the empty area. We use a curing light that hardens the resin and ensures it’s permanently bonded to your tooth.

Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

When choosing a filling material, tooth-colored fillings offer several advantages: 

  • Natural Appearance: These fillings match the color of your teeth, making them discreet and impossible to see when you smile.
  • Durability: Composite resin is strong, just like your natural teeth, so it can stand up to chewing and eating without incurring any damage. This makes it a great option for small and large cavities alike. 
  • Less Drilling: Tooth-colored fillings bond directly to your tooth, meaning we need to remove less of your natural tooth structure than with metal fillings.
  • Mercury-Free: Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, tooth-colored fillings are mercury-free. Many leading experts believe that makes them safer for long-term health. In fact, the FDA recommends against dental amalgam for high-risk groups.

Another potential benefit is smile upgrading. If you have a mouth full of metal fillings from earlier in your life, we can replace all your old fillings with white ones that enhance your smile instead of detracting from it.

Tooth-Colored Fillings in McLean, VA

If you’re considering tooth-colored fillings to restore your smile, Galleria Dental Aesthetics is here to help. Call us at 703-448-1020 to book an appointment in our office in McLean.

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the team at Galleria Dental Aesthetics.
02. Help us understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Dr Chong Lee is extremely patient and spends so much time with us during my son’s appointment. He showed us many options to help rebuild my son’s smile and give him confidence in his smile! Highly recommend Dr Lee!”

- H.C.

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