Everyone loves the sparkling gleam of a terrific smile. To get your ideal smile, it requires keeping your regularly scheduled dental appointments, brushing and flossing regularly, and eating healthy, nutritious foods. Of course, sometimes Mother Nature can use a little help. That’s where getting your teeth professionally whitened in a dentist’s office is so valuable.
Teeth Whitening Options
At Galleria Dental Aesthetics, one of our Northern Virginia cosmetic dentists can guide you to the right teeth whitening options – either in-office or at-home. We regularly use ZOOM! Whitening trays.
There are a number of benefits to getting your teeth whitened by a professional cosmetic dentist. These include:
- Safer application
- Whiter teeth
- Quick results
- More natural-looking
By working with our Northern Virginia cosmetic dentist team, you are best able to find the right teeth whitening treatment that fits your lifestyle, budget, timeframes, and temperament. Our dental team is here to support you and help you best meet your smile goals.
To find out which professional teeth whitening method is ideal for you, please contact Galleria Dental Aesthetics. Call (877) 268-2442 to schedule an initial consultation.