September 2021

The importance of a beautiful smile with cosmetic dentistry

Your smile is a great way to show someone that you’re happy, excited, or in love. However, this non-verbal communication can be misconstrued if you have imperfections that make you feel self-conscious about how your smile looks. This is why many of the patients who visit Galleria Dental Aesthetics will ask about cosmetic dentistry solutions

The importance of a beautiful smile with cosmetic dentistry Read More »

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What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the team at Galleria Dental Aesthetics.
02. Help us understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Dr Chong Lee is extremely patient and spends so much time with us during my son’s appointment. He showed us many options to help rebuild my son’s smile and give him confidence in his smile! Highly recommend Dr Lee!”

- H.C.

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