The Risk of Not Flossing

Dental,Floss,,Flossing,Teeth,And,Woman,With,A,Smile,ForGum disease and tooth decay are all too common in adults. These dental problems can lead to tooth loss. They can also put your overall health at risk in other ways, such as raising the risk of widespread infections or chronic health problems.

Did you know there’s a simple way to help prevent these problems? Flossing regularly is a great way to keep your gums and teeth healthy. What happens if you don’t floss? Some people skip this essential oral care step, which can result in serious trouble for your mouth.

Consequences of Not Flossing

Higher Risk of Tooth Decay

Flossing gets rid of food particles that can attract bacteria to your teeth. These bacteria form plaque and attack tooth enamel, leading to a greater chance of having cavities or tooth decay.

More Plaque Buildup

When you don’t floss, bits of food stay on and between your teeth. Bacteria feed on these, leading to plaque and tartar buildup on tooth surfaces. This can cause decay to develop.

Higher Risk of Gum Disease

Your toothbrush doesn’t always do an excellent job of reaching food particles between your teeth and along your gum line. Dental floss can get to these bits of food, removing them from your gums. This helps lower your chance of developing gum inflammation and gum disease.

Bad Breath

Bacteria in your mouth do more than cause cavities and gum disease. They can also give you bad breath. Flossing helps remove bacteria that can make your breath smell bad.

When and How to Floss Your Teeth

Make flossing a daily habit. You should floss once or twice a day as part of your oral care routine. For best results, floss before you brush so your toothbrush can clear away loosened bits of food.

Remember to go below the gum line when flossing. Move the floss gently up and down between your teeth so you don’t hurt your gums.

Quality Dental Care With Galleria Dental Aesthetics

Ready to schedule your next dental cleaning and exam? Dr. Chong Lee, DDS, and the team provide general dentistry services in McLean, VA, including cleanings and exams. Please call us at 703-448-1020, or submit our online form to request an appointment with our dentist.

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