Why Routine Dental Exams Are Vital to Your Overall Health

dental examsGood oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice daily, flossing, and using mouthwash are all important components of oral health. However, this does not replace the need to visit your dentist for regular dental exams. For most patients, this is every six months, although you may have to visit more often if you are at risk of certain oral health conditions.

Keeping up with these appointments is not only vital to your oral health but also to your overall health. Learn more about how regular dental exams in northern Virginia can improve your overall wellness.

Prevent Cavities

One of the most basic reasons to visit your dentist is to prevent cavities. While you should floss regularly, plaque can still build up in hard-to-reach areas and lead to cavities. During your dental exam, your dentist will remove any plaque buildup and ensure you are free of decay. If a cavity is present, having regular dental exams ensures it is found early on, which can prevent more extensive dental work, such as root canals.

Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, is a fairly common condition that results in swollen and inflamed gums. When allowed to progress, it can cause your gums to bleed and damage your teeth, causing them to loosen; this stage is known as periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to other health concerns, such as heart disease and diabetes. Healthy hygiene habits can prevent gingivitis from developing. However, if you have developed gingivitis, your dentist can help treat it before it becomes too severe.

Detection of Oral Cancer

The most prevalent causes of oral cancer are tobacco use and the consumption of alcohol. When you visit the dentist, they can check if you display oral cancer symptoms. If so, they can provide you with treatment options to address it right away. If not treated immediately, it can spread to other areas of the body and affect your overall health.

Schedule a Dental Exam in McLean, VA

Schedule your next dental exam in northern Virginia with the team at Galleria Dental Aesthetics. With three highly-trained and experienced dentists, we can provide you with outstanding care to maintain your overall health. Contact us today at 703-448-1020 to schedule an appointment.

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